I have the printed copy and this is the perfect addition to it ! Great app, I love this study bible!❤️
I have the printed copy and this is the perfect addition to it ! Great app, I love this study bible!❤️
I have had two different hard copies of this for years and have never picked them up. I am very proud to say that my New Years resolution for 2016 was to read the Bible. With the HELP of this app I have successfully read the OT and NT! My son and I each read it following the "chronological plan". Thank you so much for making this version. I look forward to reading the daily readings and additional prayers as needed.
I LOVE the app, but why am I not able to find the app for my iPad Pro???????
I love the layout of this app. It has all of the information in the study bible within the app, and it keeps track of where you left off last within each section. For example, if you read Wisdom chapter 1 yesterday, it will say that this is the last chapter of Wisdom you read when you choose it as the book of the Bible you wanted to read. I am Protestant, but I am coming to appreciate and value many things out of the Orthodox tradition because of this study bible!
This includes the best English translation of the Holy Bible, NKJV. The footnotes are amazing. Best app in the app store, worth every penny!
Great, but it needs a version for iPad!
I love this app but reading it on my iphone is terrible for my eyes. Ipad version would be very much appreciated and very useful.
Every Orthodox Christian should have this!
Thank you so much for releasing the Orthodox Study Bible on iPhone. I am not "orthodox" but have longed for a bible that combines NKJV and LXX. Great work on the parts of both the translators (of the LXX) and the app developers. The best part of this bible is that we finally have an accessible LXX (aka Septuagint, the early Greek translation of the original Hebrew OT) - the same Old Testament manuscripts that Jesus and the Apostles used and quoted from, unlike the Masoretic Hebrew texts that all bibles have been using since Jerome (who gave us the Latin Vulgate) decided to switch to on the persuasion of the Jews at that time. Praise the Lord for this reformation! Its great... Take the time to compare all the NT quotations to your standard bibles OT then compare those scriptures to this OSB OT version of the LXX and you will see there is no more contradictions. Look at Hebrews 10:5-7 and 1 Peter 4:18. Plus we have the return of what is referred to as the dueterocanon or apocrypha - those books that provide much rich study and more insights into history. These books were once a part of ALL bibles, even the KJV, but gradually disappeared for the later (1800s) Protestant communities. But the early Christian writers (90ad-700ad) quoted from these books all the time. The beautiful anabaptists, like Michael Sattler, also extensively quotes from these rich books. Thank God for the return of His Word to His people. What an awesome time we live in. To have the original manuscripts on the powerful devices, to search and study with such ease and power unlike any who have gone before us. But what responsibility we saints have with what God has given, too. To whom much is given, much will be required.
This is an electronic version of the Orthodox Study Bible published by Thomas Nelson. The app is less expensive than the various ebooks. It has all the various additional sections plus the OT and NT. There is Morning and Evening prayers for each day of the week that come up tied to the current day. It is a great introduction to the Eastern Orthodox Church with various articles and the study notes have tie-ins back to the writtungs of the Church Fathers. The navigation is straight forward to get to a verse and to then see the notes.
Ive been wanting to read this Bible from cover-to-cover, and now there is this great app to assist me! I recommend the "Bible in one year mixed reading plan"! I love the notes section that helps interpret the reading. In my humble opinion, I strongly recommend this app. However I have found one bug - the book of Proverbs was blank.
Therefore 4star app
Here in the beginning of lent.... Im SO blessed to have stumbled upon this app. Complete with daily reading AND daily prayers, right at my fingertips. Looking forward to this Lent, with this app by my side. Ill be sharing this with friends!
I have both the IPhone app version and the Kindle version. The iPhone app has far superior graphics and style. Finding a particular book, chapter, or verse is much quicker, but it lacks landscape mode that kindle version has, which is a drag. Also, the iPhone app version does not include cross references in the commentary, which the kindle version has. I find this very useful. Finally, the kindle version includes a cross, which, when pressed takes you directly to that verses commentary. On the iPhone app, you have to scroll until you find the corresponding commentary.
Needs work on the daily readings. It doesnt work on my bible.
Is this bad for a Christian to read? Because Maccabees are not in kjv.
While there are a number of apps which I have found useful, none have really gotten me excited enough to write a review - until now. I own a hard copy of the Orthodox Study Bible which was purchased shortly after I became Orthodox. While I like it, it isnt exactly portable enough to carry around. I had considered a Kindle version but the app far surpasses what a Kindle edition is capable of. Further, the app has features which I can see even supplanting my hard copy version. A GREAT bargain at this price when you consider the content and capabilities. Id rate this 10 stars.
Convenient version of a gem - thank you!
Ive had this app for a while -but just started using it. I love the way I can now have the daily readings, prayers and additional helpful Orthodox information all in one place. I would love the Prologue attached too - but I am very content with this! Thank you for providing it! I use it the most on my IPad by the way.
Im very pleased with this purchase. Absolutely worth it.