Thank you so much for releasing the Orthodox Study Bible on iPhone. I am not "orthodox" but have longed for a bible that combines NKJV and LXX. Great work on the parts of both the translators (of the LXX) and the app developers.
The best part of this bible is that we finally have an accessible LXX (aka Septuagint, the early Greek translation of the original Hebrew OT) - the same Old Testament manuscripts that Jesus and the Apostles used and quoted from, unlike the Masoretic Hebrew texts that all bibles have been using since Jerome (who gave us the Latin Vulgate) decided to switch to on the persuasion of the Jews at that time. Praise the Lord for this reformation!
Its great... Take the time to compare all the NT quotations to your standard bibles OT then compare those scriptures to this OSB OT version of the LXX and you will see there is no more contradictions. Look at Hebrews 10:5-7 and 1 Peter 4:18. Plus we have the return of what is referred to as the dueterocanon or apocrypha - those books that provide much rich study and more insights into history. These books were once a part of ALL bibles, even the KJV, but gradually disappeared for the later (1800s) Protestant communities. But the early Christian writers (90ad-700ad) quoted from these books all the time. The beautiful anabaptists, like Michael Sattler, also extensively quotes from these rich books. Thank God for the return of His Word to His people.
What an awesome time we live in. To have the original manuscripts on the powerful devices, to search and study with such ease and power unlike any who have gone before us. But what responsibility we saints have with what God has given, too.
To whom much is given, much will be required.
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